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There is Snow on the Ground!

In Goulais River, Ontario, there are three inches of snow on the ground at Stokely Creek Lodge. It is a bit early for it to stay, but it reminds us of how beautiful it is to be surrounded by the snow-laden trees right outside the Stokely dining room windows or from the views on top of King Mountain. We are very booked for the winter but invite you to give us a call for reservations for the remaining rooms available.

Alex has the trails, culverts, signage and machines all ready for the winter season. With all the trail maintenance he has done we have been able to groom the 100 km of trails earlier and with less snow.

Howard, Joe and Dave (three loyal Stokely guests) have added to the snowshoe trail system. They have named the new trail The Ridge Trail. This trail has been added to the Cedar Cliff Loop. This trail starts where you pass the large ice cliffs and you climb to the ridge behind the cliffs. As you snowshoe along the The Ridge Trail you will have panoramic views of the valley and King Mountain.

Sheila and Daniella are planning some new menus, all homemade at Stokely. Kelly and the housekeeping staff are getting the rooms ready for winter guests.

Gaylen and I are eagerly waiting for your arrival this winter. The stories about your great days on the trails remind us of why we bought Stokely 16 years ago to save it for the next generation of skiers.

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