Susan Byker

Jan 28, 20191 min

Stokely’s Magical Setting Creates Unforgettable Valentines Memories

Updated: Jan 29, 2019

The magic begins as soon as you leave the parking lot and walk up the lit snow- covered trail to Stokely’s main lodge. Our Chef will be preparing a gourmet, candle-light dinner of filet. But first join the gathering of food and wine lovers for a special wine tasting event. The tasting includes six wines from six different countries pared with appetizers.

Vin Greco, a wine lover and retired principal from the Sault will help you understand why you are enjoying each wine. For many years Vin helped the Heart and Stroke Foundation raise money at their Art and Wine Auction. He writes an on-line column for the about choosing great wines and finding good bargains.

Where is this magical place that thousands of guest from all over the world, have discovered already? Stokely is in Goulais River, a 25 minute drive from the Sault and is only a mile off Hwy 17N.

Look under Stokely’s events for more details . You must make reservations to save a place at the wine tasting and dinner.

Stokely is a Magical Place
